Time for a break
It's been a hectic few weeks with a couple of gigs in a row, on top of planning meetings for the rest of the year. Today was the second of two early morning gigs (must wake up at 5am type...), so this afternoon the 'rest' begins!! I'm looking forward to chilling out in front of the TV with a bag of chips and dabbling on my new-and-upcoming webspace. Yup, I'll be making the move to a new space over the next few months. Quite excited about the change, but it'll be sad to say goodbye to my dear little blog, which has become part of me over the years... But the blogging continues...
Anyway, to share a bit about the move. One main reason is that I am in the midst of moving on to a new phase of life (no I am not pregnant... yet..), and making new discoveries about myself and His leading i the process. Nothing seems certain at the moment, so not sharing details. But it will definitely be a major change, and I'm excited, terrified and sad.
Ok I really MUST share more details sometime soon, but first I need to tell some people in person. Heh heh... So *akan datang* :)
That aside, must share that something which really really caught my attention and impressed me and moved me recently was the TV ad by MCYS on "family". I think first Red Shoes, and now Funeral, have both been stellar examples of what it means to connect the message to the heart. I was really wowed... see it for yourself :)
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