Wednesday, February 02, 2005

america - here i come!

yesterday realised that i have to really start purposefully raising the support for CSU. this is a 2 week-long conference in Colorado that will be in mid July. (well, it's 3 weeks for campus staff, but i'm NOT campus staff =b tee hee)

i'm really really excited about it, but i have to raise $3,500 for the trip! quite daunting to imagine that amount. hmmm... well, if any of you reading this feel led to give me any amount, it would mean a great deal to me! =D

heh heh heh

anyway... was talking to mike about it, and he invited me to extend my stay and go camping with his family. =) hee hee... well, for those of you who've ever seen me huff and puff (very few), you would be like "Don't be crazy lah!!!" hee hee

but, well... i am seriously considering it. cos i think it would be an awesome experience if i go with them. i mean, how often do you get to go on a 10 day camping trip with four cute kids and experience the sights of yellowstone park, bears and waterfalls?! granted the kids will probably be cranky now and then... and the bears might be safer to see no touch, but still... it would be a whole new experience!

and i could take lots of shots with my trusty camera. i love shots of nature, esp of a solitary flower. and mike ASSURED me there are no such things as cockroaches and beetles in the places we will camp. and proper toilets. and it's not as humid as Singapore, so sleeping in the tents might be bearable. =)

and at the end of 10 days, we'd reach their hometown of indiana, and lisa will take me to the factory outlets there! what a great way to end the trip!

so anyway... i worked out that i need to save about $1200 for that dream to become a reality. (save, not raise, cos it's a personal trip) so hope that i can get a lot of fat ang pows this chinese new year *hint hint* so that i can put it towards my "camping-with-the-andersons" fund. muahaha



At 12:24 AM , Blogger Drew said...

AWWW man, you get to camp with the Andersons~~~~~~

And all I get to do is goggle at Australian babes. Haha!


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