Thursday, April 14, 2005

lots of stuff happened today

1. personal retreat

i spent a nice long morning all myself in my secluded air-conditioned room... having some personal time to reflect.

yes, it's been a busy few weeks. =b but in between i've been blessed with fun times and pockets of rest time, so thank God for that. =)

anyway one of the things i was thinking about was my decision to go full time. i mean, i just wrote down again what led me to the decision, in preparation for when i have to go through the interview... heh... and i must admit, i do sometimes have cold feet. like, what if i'm totally off-track?!?! cos as i mentioned to people, i dun have a 'calling verse' or anything dramatic like that. hmmm...

but i was really encouraged by God's word as i flipped through the Bible and glanced at all the verses i have underlined for the past 5 years... yup, my Bible is really like my journal, even though i started a proper journal 2 years ago. in the sense that i keep all my God-related thoughts in there! like for example sermon notes and acronyms that speakers have come up with, and major lessons learnt - all these are underlined or bookmarked in my lovely Bible. hence it's rather colourful state =b

hmmm... so anyway i was really encouraged by these verses. i know that if i have somewhere along the way made a wrong choice, aas long as i continue to trust God and desire to know Him more, He will show me if i am going the wrong way. so i can rest in that knowledge!

2. shopping with daddy

went with daddy to parkway to trade in my phone, which has just passed the 2 year date. =) after dithering about a while, i decided to get the new nokia 7250. or rather, my dad decided to, after i explained the pros and cons to him =b hee... anyways i got the black one for $98.

then i also changed my plan to the new Pod-ONE Plus - or sth liddat, which gives free incoming calls and more sms. cos my current plan is kind of silly cos i have too much talk time and too little smses. and it costs about the same. so hopefully that will help me save money in future!

last but certainly not least... i cam gonna change the payment of bills to my giro. yup. i figured as part of my daughterly role i should support my family in this way. so i will be paying for the internet and all handphone bills (my dad, mom and me) from july onwards. so... i have to go back in june to fill in the appropriate forms.

it's a pretty big step for me. hope that i can handle it! but i believe that it's possible, with budgeting and God's provision. =) and i really wanna help my family financially too.

oh, and my new phone looks kewl...

3. polyclinic

my dad went to the polyclinic next, cos he had a nasty fall this morning while cycling (his new-found hobby =b) so the queue was really long... so i bought 8Days to read. quite a lot of interesting articles this issue... haha... although a lot of scantily clad females drapped around. hmmm... mike wouldn't approve =b oops. hee hee

4. finally home...

watched gilmore girls! didn't know they were back on tv! =) yay. and now looking forward to american idol results show and the OC! =) yeah. back to work tomorrow...


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