Thursday, April 28, 2005


i have an ulcer. urgh... reminds me of what i read on my friend's blog a while back about why you get ulcers and what they are... sigh...

it hurts a lot cos it's at that strategic part of my lip that touches my teeth. so every time it grates against the teeth it's like OOOOWWWWWWW!!!

... ...

grin and bear it =)

hmm... but thankful for the restful week. a lot of the tedious admin, brainstorming and planning stuff has been done over the past couple of weeks. these two weeks is more for support raising and checking that we have covered as many uneventualities as we can cover... and preparing our hearts and minds for the 'onslaught' of TURT. =)

also been seeking free time to bring the students out to shop for their performance wardrobe. =) that was quite fun! heh heh... i think they will look so so cool! =D

mmm.. and today had a good morning at sharon's place. she made us garlic toast with egg and melted cheese and ham on top. oh man... divine! *munch munch* i ate... er... quite a lot =b we also had a nice little talk on the way to work. i'm so glad she's here at FR! hee hee

tonight i will be busy preparing my room for my garage sale. it's part of my commitment to de-clutter my life and centre it around God. felt quite convicted to do so after a series of not-so-coincidental talks on related stuff. i guess i realised that while i have succeeded to a laudable extent (for me, at least) in restraining from buying things, i do still covet things. so... i know God is gonna help me learn how to not let these desires lessen or distract my love for Him. i don't think such desires are 'wrong' per se, but i want to make sure i'm not getting carried away or creating 'false gods' for myself.

so anyways... i'm planning to have my garage sale on monday. a pretty informal affair - just asking my friends to come down to see if they want stuff. proceeds will go FR equipment fund, my family and missions. funky clothes, bags and accessories -for girls only! so if you're interested and you are my friend, you can give me a call =b heh

my ulcer still hurts... ouch* =(


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