Saturday, January 28, 2006

new beginnings

i like events like new year and chinese new year and christmas. always spurs me on to want to start different aspects of my life on a clean slate. heh. this year's new year and christmas were busy, so not much time to be 'spurred', heh, but this cny, i've had a bit more time =) so let me announce the changes that have or will be made (by end of today)

1. my desk is visible! =) my work desk, that is.

it was hidden under a mountainload of papers and cds and other stuff for months... *oops* but now it's quite clean and organised into box files, clear folders and a giant clear storage box! =) all it took was $8 worth of storage equipment and about 3 hours of ruthless sorting, throwing and stacking. HAHAHAHA!!! i feel accomplished! =D

2. the FR office looks different too!

we had a massive move of furniture that took up most of yesterday. it involved carting out a desk and two cupboards to be thrashed, setting up (ie nailing the legs to the top) two tables for haiks and alvin (our new stinter!), moving our fridge, photocopier, drinks dispenser and main computer to various parts of the room, vacuuming the carpet and clearing all common area surfaces of random stuff.


the funnest part was after we had finished all that cleaning (btw the guys did most of the moving work. thanks guys! i'm sure it's good for their muscles...) we found out that we can't just leave furniture downstairs to be collected by the van, cos it's a private estate. instead we had to hack the furniture into smaller chunks and bring them down to a hdb flat in holland v. so it was FUN hacking the furniture. all of us had a go at it!

just took the hammer and whack!!!ed. daniel tried to punch a hole in the cupboard with his fist and got a bleeding cut. hee... but he did make a small hole =)

it was so like "renovate my family"! haha...

3. my room WILL BE CLEAN.

from 11am today, i intend to spring clean my room. why 11? cos at 10 is "she spies", which i kind of like to watch, heh heh. but i will get down to cleaning my room.

i need to:

- sort out my wardrobe - stuff i need to iron, stuff i need to alter, stuff i need to wear more
- throw our the trash - like my desk used to be, i have piles of paper/cds in certain corners of the room. need to deal with that...
- wipe my shelves so they will be dust-free!
- wipe my soft toys for same reason
- change my bed sheets
- mop the floor



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