Friday, July 21, 2006

mel is back!

he came back yesterday =) yay. suddenly he was able to come back, and thank God he managed to get a flight that very same day! so he reached singapore late last night.

i'm really happy that he's back. not just so that we can spend time together, but also cos it was quite hard to plan anything with him a continent away. somehow technology just isn't that advanced in interpersonal skills yet (and may never be). so... i'm lookinh forward to what lies ahead...

today i had driving lesson no. 11. i reversed parked about 10 times at least i think. sigh... i asked him if i should learn parallel parking, but he said maybe in one or two weeks, cos my reverse parking steering still not 'biao1 zun3'. bah.

that was a bit depressing... but on a positive note, i'm pretty sure my driving on the road is more stable now, and my u-turns have improved somewhat =)

test is 20 sept, so i guess there's no need to get overly anxious now... he says he will prob bring me into circuit in mid august... which is about one month's time.

back to topic of wedding planning. heh. please pray for mel and i as we discuss and make plans, and as our famlies meet this coming week. i'm scared and nervous and excited all at the same time! jialat.

it's very hard to concentrate on work =b hee.. but i shall valiantly try...


At 10:18 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

hi Dotz! Woah! must catch up sometime! you're getting married?!?! Congrats and praise the Lord! So happy for you!

Driving will be ok with lots of practice.. be patient and you'll get there! dun worry I took 2 years.. haha.. so just do your best each time!


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