Saturday, July 23, 2005

it has begun!

yesterday first. quick update: anderson kiddies have stomach flu. lisa worn out. no factory outlet trip after all =( but had a good time at foothills mall with candy. good to not just shop, but get to know her as a person too. she's really sweet and very good to shop with. we shop at the same indecisive slow pace and like the same girly stuff.

=) got some great stuff. thank You God for blessing me with these things!

the opening carnival/fair at night was awesome! imagine a carpark transformed.

ferris wheel

bunjy jump machine

spinning saucers things

a stage where all three of the keynote bands performed

face painting and balloon twisting for the kids

hay bales galore

hay on the ground!!!

loud music!!!

corn dogs. hot dogs and relish. snow cones. ice cream cookies. caramel apples... mmm

yup. it was great to see everyone having a good time, and to meet lots of new people whom i shall try desperately to remember the names of.

today the conference started proper. the morning worship was an incredible time of praising and adoring God, and really putting the focus all on Him. kudos to the keynote worship team for leading that time.

i really felt so drawn into the presence of God, to be able to freely worship without worrying about what people ard me think. and it was an amazing sight to see the MULTITUDES (about 6000+) staff raising their hands in praise to our one true King!

the message by steve sellars was really heart-renching and thought provoking. basically about humility and brokenness before God, about desiring God above all else, and why that is so SO hard.

i was among the many who really cried along with him as he brought us through a time of reflection, prayer, repentance, intercession and just resting in the presence of God.

something really cool i learnt: rest in God is simply remembering that God is in total control and letting go of the reins. it doesn't mean not busy or not investing emotions and time in the things happening, but simply subjecting all those emotions and acts to God's agenda and timing. sounds 'holy' i know, but i dunno how to write it in the simple yet gut-wrenching way that he said it!

this afternoon went for a seminar on making wise choices in life. it was very inspiring and i'm just looking forward to an afternoon next week when i can take my own personal retreat and ponder on some of these things...

now going over to the ministry fair with shirong (another sccc staff) then we are gonna get sandwiches and eat our picnic dinner on the grass lawn, before going for the evening message and seminar. =)

God, truly You know what is upon my heart. help me to just let go and let You show me what You want to show me on this trip.


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