Friday, August 19, 2005


thank God it's Friday!

not that it's been an awful week. in fact it's been pretty good. i feel blessed that God has been answering even the smallest of prayer, the silliest of prayers! like protecting me from roaches and spiders, helping me to calculate budgets when i go shopping, and giving me the strength to cope with work.

in the midst of it, support raising appointments have really encouraged me too. as i share with my friends what i am doing, whether or not they support, i feel a sense of joy and wonderment that God has given me this privilege to combine my passions and talents in my work, and to see Him work, and to have a more tangible taste of dependance on God.

and i am amazed, too, at how He has been watching over each one of my friends. how He has brought them on their own journeys of self discovery, frustration, joys, struggles, pain... it comforts me to hear and see that He is preparing many of them for life after graduation, and causing them to begin their own search for His will in their life.

well, today is gonna be a short work day. because i have to leave earlier to go for a medical appointment in the afternoon. so, looking forward to being home, seeing my family, and celebrating my brother's birthday - we are having a bbq at gran's =D

later on... hee hee... i will be back to blog about this beautiful beautiful dress that i saw at holland v yesterday. i had been mtg a supporter for lunch, and then we had time to spare before she had to go back, so we walked aroound the shops, and i saw THE DRESS, ha! ok, but more on that later. got to go work now!! =)


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