Monday, December 27, 2004

my belated christmas list


i'm kinda bored right now, so i shall create another post! actually i have stuff to do... but just feel like in a very slacker mode. heh... oops...

anyway, really wanna thank all my family and friends for the cards and presents i received this year. i am so blessed by each and every card and present! hee hee... really so encouraged *sob*

but of course, no one is mind reader right? =b and since i have no idea how to create a wishlist option on my bloggie (trust me - i've been trying...) here's a belated list for all those who wanna get me stuff and don't know what to get! bwahaha =b tsk tsk, naughty me... sorry for being kinda thick-skinned...

hee hee... so here goes!!!

1. veggie tales dvd - fyi i've already watched esther and jonah

2. new phone. mine is scratched majorly man... poor thing got dropped one time too many.

3. pink board shorts

4. pedicure =) ah...

5. guitar pick - a pastel one would be really pretty

6. bible commentay

7. japanese language lessons, i studied japanese on the side for 2 years, but haven't touched it for over a year so quite rusty now.

8. trip to japan!

9. a bottle of snow

10. a surprise!!! =D hee hee

haha... so there.


At 9:34 PM , Blogger Drew said...

Eh eh, I can handle the bottle of snow one! I give you for Christmas lah~ But by the time it reaches you, it would have probably melted... From ICE MOUNTAIN wan leh, don't play play...


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