Friday, January 07, 2005

inspired to dream.

just came back from dinner with my cell mates. it was great to see them, and we had a really good time of sharing. =)

i think the recent tsunami-quake affected each one of us in different ways, yet all of us have struggled through the related issues, such as predestination, God's sovereignity, and why there is suffering. but, i guess all of our answers are pretty inadequate - especially for a non-Christian.

personally, i came to the conclusion that, yes, we can try to rationalise why God would allow something like that to happen, be it man's sin or the inherent sin in the world, or God's desire that man should turn to Him... but ultimately, it still boils down to pure and simple faith in a God that somehow works all things for good. and who is weeping with us as so many lives were washed away.

as we spent time talking, i also shared about this book called "Boundaries" that i'm reading. it really is impacting my life so so much! i feel like my eyes have been opened to a whole new realm of possibilities and responsibilities. go read it! or you can borrow from me if you want. =)

also shared about my recently-formed conviction that i need a personal mission, vision and value system for my life. i've come to realise the importance of concrete objectives, for purposeful living, and to help is setting my boundaries. so i challenged my cell mates to take time to write their own vision statement - as will i - and we can be praying for one another.

i'm really excited about getting to work on my personal vision statement! =) heh heh

another thing i've recently been convicted of is to invest more time and effort in my cell group. sometimes i feel like i don't really get anything out of it, other times i know that God is using our sharing to inspire and grow each one of us... so, this year, with the break from ministry that i have requested, i have decided to really spend time to get to know them more intimately, and to come regularly for cell.

i'm so glad and amazed at how God brought us together in such unique ways, and how He has carried us through the first year. =) here's to many more memories forged together!


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