Friday, February 04, 2005

taking responsibility for my own feelings

i feel so out of control of so many things in my life. i think things are not as bad as i see it, but sometimes i am too easily overwhelmed.

but i also do see this as a time of pruning, for me to learn to take responsibility for my feelings and grasp them by the nettle in a sense. to really come to terms with what i feel, why i feel it, and what i can do about it.

in the past i would often try to deal with these emotions through wheer willpower, self admonition, unloading everything onto a willing listener or suppressing these 'ungodly' feelings in the name of holiness. but true holiness comes froms a transparent relationship with God and, through that, a love relationship with Him and others, not based on control, fear or compliance.

it's a long process that will really require me to be truly honest with myself and God and be vulnerable in sharing with others too. but i know that it works out for good =)


At 12:31 AM , Blogger Rongjie said...

i totally agreed! We get worried easily! As a student i'm often easliy worried abt my coming test, if i'm able to keep up wif lectures, striking a balance between sch work and serving in church, personal struggles. Yeah i do feel that life seems to be out of control! But i guess God is good he said in Philippians 4:6 :

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

i think he also understand that we tend to worry about a lot of things in life and His solution for all that is in this verse! At times, and i think it's most of the time, it's hard to relate to this verse when we are overwhelmed by the worries in life.

It's truly a long process of humbling to God and allowing God to mould and change us!! Like you said, it require a lot of honesty! I'm truly blessed by your articles! Thanks for inviting me to your blog page!


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