Monday, July 25, 2005

sunday, my day of (forced) rest

yesterday i slept really really late.... and my throat had begun feeling funny... so it was no surprise that i woke up this morning sniffling, sore throat and headachey. sigh...

but i got myself out of bed and somehow made it through bagel breakfast (and doused myself with danzen) and sunday worship at moby gym. but after the message, i really couldn't stay on for the prayer part. i was really falling asleep cos of the medicine... and felt really gross. so i went back to the house and zzz-ed for a couple of hours. =b

i felt a whole lot better after my nap. got up and had an apple cos i was still full from the bagel and went with some of the girls to old navy and target supermart. (we had the afternoon free) didn't spend much cos i dun have much left! (hee... i'm sticking to my budget *beams proudly*)

then joy, sara and i met the andersons for a nice pizza buffet at woody's pizza. the place was PACKED. really nice stuff though, and the ambience was so cozy and warm... and the kids were happy with the crayons and paper they were given. heh heh... so cute! i'm gonna miss them soooo much...

anyways... now at the wired bean with joy and sara, just chatting and talking about TURT stuff and future direction for FR and what we have learnt so far from the conference =) btw this place is really cool. bet it gives starbucks a run for their money! hee... and a whole lotta more sofas! hee

k anyways... i said i'd share about yesterday. =)

so... what happened at night was we had like sharing of what's happening through crusade ministries all over the world. it was really cool cos it wasn't boring in the least! the MCs ran it like a talkshow thing, where sometimes it was a video-ed presentation, sometimes it was a skit, sometimes it was a spotlight on some people in the audience... so so amazing to hear what wonderful things God is doing all over the world, and how He is bringing events and people to the right place at the right time.

it was so touching to see all that He has done even through human tragedies, such as the tsunami. and to see how people are really not moved by fact and logic, but by our unconditional love and care for them...

anyways... do check out the main session messages online and be blessed =)

you can watch the sessions live from Moby Auditorium at CSU in Ft. Collins, Colorado at just click on the "Live Webcast!" link near the upper right and select the connections that are most suitable for you. You can also look at the conference photos in the website too.

do note however that there is a great time zone difference of 14 hours between Singapore and Denver. So the morning session at 0900 over there can only be viewed over here at 2300 hours of the same day. To find out the timing of other programs, you can check the program schedule that is also placed on the website and go to for the time zone conversion and choose between America/ Denver and Singapore. =) i know it's kind of a tedious process, but i know that many of you will be encouraged through these sessions, esp the alice matthew ones =)

another thing to check out is

we were shown the video here, and i just cried so much cos it really demonstrates the depth of a Father's love. and this is a human father - how much more our God who loves us infintely more!

* * *

i'll be having a personal retreat on wed, to process all the thoughts and feelings that are bursting to be evaluated. please pray that i would hear God clearly and be refreshed through that time too! =)


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