Monday, October 13, 2008

home is where the heart is

Had a good talk with my mum last week, at our weekly dinner with the family =)

Some people wonder why Mel and I spend so much time with our families on a weekly basis, but it's just important to both of us that we do, because our families are so much a part of who we are, and why we are who we are... and our parents aren't growing any younger too...

Also, since getting married and moving out, I've come to treasure my parents a whole lot more, appreciating all the behind-the-scenes sacrifices they have made in the past to bring me up, keep the house clean, and paying the bills. =)

Anyway, so I had a really nice talk with mummy last week, cos we had an hour for just the two of us, mel being in church and daddy being out with his friends, and it was just very inspiring and scary and eye-opening, to hear about the difficulties that she and my dad went through to have me, and to get a glimpse into how emotionally stressful it was for them, especially her. And the sacrifices they made to bring me up the way they did (my mum gave up her job to look after me). Of course I won't go into the details, but I'm very moved by my parents' love for me, waaaaayyyy before I was born, and the ways in which they trusted God to carry them (and me) through tough times.

When mel picked me up after his mtg, I cried in the car (this is quite a common occurrence for my poor hubby), but not out of sadness, but an overwhelming sense of gratitude for life, love and family.

I can only hope and pray that Mel and I will be as wonderful parents as our parents have been, and find the grace and strength in God to persevere through the tough times that we will have. =)

here's to our parents!


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