Wednesday, December 07, 2005

God's assurance

God has really been assuring me that He wants me to take this opportunity to go to Japan. =) through various things...

1. He has miraculously provided the funds that i need. mel very generously bought the ticket with his frequent flyer miles points, so that i had only around $750 to rasie. and through various pple, i have raised about $600 thus far. =)

God really picked and chose each supporter for this trip. some are old supporters, and i am so touched that they would give that extra amount to bless me. some of them i know are supporting many staff, and so that they would take out a bit more to give for thie trip also means a lot to me. and lastly, some are friends that i have not really kept in touch with over the years, but whom i sent my newsletter to. because i believe that God will work in the hearts of those He has prepared to give. and some of these have also come forward to give. and it's also a good chance to catch up with them! =)

so i am really grateful...

2. I ran into a missionary at mel's church on sunday. He's from Japan! and he knows my uncle, who served there for over 10 years. it was good to be reminded of the great need there.

3. i have managed to find my list of contacts from my previous trip there, and some of them are free and keen to meet up! i can't wait to meet them! some are Christians, and i hope to be an encouragement to them. some are still waiting... still not sure etc... i hope that i may speak God's truth into their lives, but also just be a friend to them. =)

4. my friend gave me this verse yesterday, on a card together with her support. it really really encouraged me, i claim it as my theme verse for this trip:

" I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives, 'Come out,' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!'"

- Isaiah 49:8-9

so... 4 days to go! i am so excited!!!


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