Sunday, October 01, 2006

it's surreal to be home.

it was a bittersweet night saying farewell to all whom i met at lausanne this week. i would never have imagined that you could get attached to people so much in just a short 7 days! i have learned so much and grown so much and felt so much and been blessed SO MUCH!!!

Lord, You are good.

i have some stuff to say about some people. don't know if they will read my blog, but anyway this will give you a glimpse into the kind of people i met this past week.

you are such an inspiration to me. i've told you before, but i would say it again here how your love for God and for the nation he is calling you to has touched me so much. when i first met you, all i could see was your talent, your confidence, your leadership - and i felt threatened. but now, after just a mere 7 days, i see a man who deeply loves God, and his precious and beautiful wife, and who is willing to lay his life down for the sake of Christ. i see a man who is very serious about God, whose heart is willing to be broken by God, and to be directed by him. Thank you for showing me that the condition of my own heart, and for never once being critical of my musicality, but instead encouraging the team.

i just read your blog, and i am overwhelmed by how YOU felt overwhelmed by all that has happened this past week. so touched by the love you have for your family, and you devotion to God. even though we only talked for that hour or so, i felt so uplifted in my spirit after hearing your own life story, and now i have a bigger understanding of it, after reading your testimony. you have given me the courage to trust my heart. as i might have shared, i'm a chronic doubter. i love proof and facts and having plans set in stone. but you have shown me that what is more important is remembering that God is faithful and trustworthy, that he knows the future, and that he loves me so much - and part of that love has been demonstrated in blessing me with melvyn. so i am taking this next step in my life with a great sense of peace and joy, hopeful about what he will bring into our future.

david choi:
hey, i really did want to talk to you a bit that last night. sorry that somehow we just never met. anyways, i have been so blessed by your warmth and friendliness. i find it simply amazing that God would bring you here from across continents, and right in front of me in the buffet line! (david, who lives in america, met my cousin while she was in NZ a few years back, and had lost contact with her) and that he would just give me that inspiration to ask, so totally out of the blue, what you were doing... wow. anyway, i'm really excited for all that God will be doing through you, as you minister to different people all over the world, and in your *ahem* future as well. =)

my small group of women:
i won't mention names cos not sure about security, but i really felt so blessed and humbled by the sharing of lives. i hear about all that you have gone through - the pain, the struggles, the suffering, the persecution - and i feel tremendously blessed and privileged to be in the company of such amazing servants. as we shared our hearts and tears, i saw the reality that every person - even i, who am relatively so blessed - has gone through seasons of pain. every person is broken, in some way. but our God is the Healer of our wounds and Comforter of our souls!

to everyone else who i met - i do believe that every single person i have had the opportunity to talk to was a divine appointment by God, and has shaped my life in some way, big or small. i will be praying for you, and i look forward to hearing about what's going on in ALL your ministries all over the world, and praying with you - that the whole gospel will be preached to the whole world! amen.


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