Saturday, January 15, 2005

a nice little break =)

had a really great time today. =D

oh, before that, i should mention that i had a good talk with some of my colleagues today, and i'm feeling a LOT better. think it was just some mis-communication plus me being moody that made me so wonky yesterday. =b thank You God!

had a relaxing time tonight. it's been ages since i've gone out totally for fun and with no agenda. haha... it felt good to not have to think about deadlines or people's problems etc for those 3 hours we spent at southbridge. the jap lady that was touted to be really good wasn't there, but the regular band was pretty good =) even though i do think the miking could be improved so the bass solo is more evident. haha

who was there?

soaps, melvyn, emily, evan, zing, richard, yi li and.... er... yi li's husband (oh no, his name has slipped my mind... ) hee hee... soaps, mel, em and i was earlier than the rest, so we had a round of drinks before they arrived. hee hee...

i had sth really interesting-sounding but not very yummy, called brown cow. a mix of kahlua and milk with a cherry. but unfortunately, all i could taste was the milk. haiz...

the second round with the late-comers were better. i had vanilla vodka with 7-up, with a lemon floating in it. quite nice, and smelt nice too! =) haha

in case you think i'm like an alcoholic, please don't get the wrong idea hor... i drink very seldom and very little (2 glasses max), so when i do get the chance to indulge a bit, i get very happy about it so must share with you my excitement (hence the vivid description) =b

heh heh *grin*

oh! and the company was great too! had a good time talking with the early birds =) em is really very sweet. hee hee... and soaps is just very fun to talk to cos she's got so much personality! heh heh... and mel is very sweet too, and thanks for walking me down to the cab.

which reminds me, i am now $35 poorer... =( well actually not bad, considering i had two drinks and the midnight surcharge to contend with =b haha...

fun is not cheap man... bah.


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