I almost switched to WordPress!
today i almost made the switch. my friend had told me how much better WordPress is, but after checking out their site, i felt it offered about the same as blogger. plus i felt sentimental about 'letting go' off my baby blog, which has been with me the past 3 years... so, i decided i'd settle for a new look. =)
it's been so quiet here, cos i've been swamped with work! esp the magazine that i'm working on for a campaign we are launching next year. it's been 4 months in the works, but the END IS NEAR... muahaha! tuesday is D Day we send to print! i'm excited and relieved that that's finally happening, but it's also kind of sad that it's almost over. call me masochistic, but i kind of enjoy the adrenalin that comes from having to meet deadlines and squeezing out as much creative juice as you can in a short span of time. =b heh
anyways, hopefully the baby will be back in business soon! more updates next week...