my macbook (affectionately called jellybean) - actually mel and i share it - died last week =( We tried various means to revive her over the weekend, but to no avail. she's now at mac service centre @ wheelock place getting her illness diagnosed, but the outlook doesn't look too good. =(
chances are either the motherboard or connector is spoilt. hopefully it's the latter, cos that's a LOT cheaper to repair or replace. if it's the motherboard, we may have to think about getting another mac, cos it will be aout $1k to fix.
the hard disk also crashed at the same time (everything at one go man...), so quite a lot of my precious info is lost, cos i haven't had a habit of doing back-up regularly or frequently. sigh.
yesterday was particularly mournful, cos i had to hand my darling over to the service centre to inspect. i really felt quite dejected and miserable after that... but was encouraged a lot by mel's sweet smses, and encouragement from my colleagues, and remembering that it IS, after all, just a laptop.
was reminded today to trust God that even though it feels SAD right now, nothing happens without a reason. maybe its to teach me to be more conscientious about doing back-up and taking care of my mac. or maybe it's to show me how dependant i am on technology. or to give me a glimpse of how, if a single laptop can cause me so much 'grief', how much more painful real death is, and how much more precious life is. (i know, seems ironic that i learn about life from an inanimate object!)
so... hoping that the prognosis will be hopeful, and meanwhile, thankful that there's a spare PC in the office so I can blog this =)