Thursday, June 30, 2005

looking forward to rest...

tomorrow and friday we have OFF! =) it's really a blessing to me... cos these few days have been really busy and tiring, mentally and emotionally. and i just came back from cell group. feel like i learned so much today, but can't qutie absorb it, cos my brain is too tired and can't process properly =b

God, i need to spend time with You. i need to THINK. i need to just be still and reflect and give thanks and count my blessings and NOT WORRY... ha... =)

stuFF i have been doing or attempting to do:

1. settling accounts

2. quarternote

3. compiling stats

4. personal newsletter

5. payment of bills

6. support raising

but now it's a LOOOONG weekend ahead =) PTL!

tomorrow i'm gonna have dinner with mel's family. it's not the first time i'm going over, but it'll be the first time i meet his sis and her hubby =b hope everyone loves everyone and has a good time - simplistically speaking =b hee! looking forward to getting to know new people...

and friday i get to meet up with my supporter, and also chill with FR gals over sushi in the afternoon =) blisssss... *Ah*

saturday and sunday? i dun wan to think about it yet...

hee =b

Monday, June 27, 2005

I'm IN!

God really came through for me! i went for my interview with the church mission board yesterday morning. the day before, i was really quite stressed, thinking and anticipating all the difficult questions they would have for me. =b so i decided to take a quick and impromptu personal retreat that afternoon, since i was quite free.

i went to parkway gelare and just began to pen my thoughts, fears, struggles to God. and God reminded me of a verse i read a few weeks back during QT, somewhere in Psalms - that God watches over our every step, every move - and He won't let us out of His hand - as long as we do not run from it! He will not purposely let us fall without reason; He will keep us on the path He has marked out for us.

that really encouraged me, because i felt the calm assurance that whatever happened after the interview would be in His hands. if God wants me to go full-time, He will make it happen!

so anyway... the next morning i was feeling a lot better. and praise God for a really good time talking to the mission board reps! =) hee... in fact, i thank Him that the 'scary' ones weren't there. haha... so i felt like i really got to share openly, and they really know how i feel. =)

and YES, I PASSED!!! =D

haha, which means i just have to clear the crusade interview and raise my support, and i'll be able to come on staff =) heh heh

Thursday, June 23, 2005

so touching...

do watch this clip. i just viewed it, and it really blessed my soul =) reminding me that Jesus doesn't promise that life will be smooth sailing, or that when difficulties come - as they often have come - he does not always pick us up and carry us through the storms.

watch the clip and be surprised and encouraged by how it ends. truly, we have a God who understands where we have come from and where we are going, because he lived.

catching up

i need to catch up with my friends.

as i just spent the past few minutes glossing over my friend's blogs, i was suddenly struck by how much i miss them! hee...

yeah... i think the next 2 weeks i have here before jetting off to colorado will be spent catching up with friends and family. so much can happen in a short 6 weeks! yet it's also pretty amazing to see how God is working in each individual's life. =)

so many things have happened to people i know these few weeks. my friend's fiance was in serious condition in the hospital with meningiti, but is now on the road to recovery; another friend's dad suffered a heart attack and now she and the family are also struggling to live within their means; and two of my friends got attached - to each other!

oh man, i am so out of it.

look forward to chit-chat sessions galore this weekend and next. heh...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


yeah! i'm back!!!

actually i've been back for almost a week. but my home internet down so i couldn't blog. urgh.

it's been a crazy 2 weeks in thailand. =b heh... in the midst of doing my newsletter now, so stay tuned for the details next week! =)

meanwhile, it's back to work today, with TURT evaluation. and next week will be a hectic week of planning for the new band, before i leave for colorado!!! =) quite excited about that!

hee hee =D

hmmm... i better not shop from now till then. haha...

Friday, June 10, 2005

more updates

ok yahoo is down so i have to update various people through this, so please bear with me if it's very detailed. haha... thanks =)

program for following 4 days

lunch time promo gig at TSU Songkhla canteen
evening full-e at TSU Songkhla hall, expected 200-300 pax

evening promo gig at PSU eating area 5-6pm
jamming and sharing with PSU music club, expected 10-20 pax
set-up at church in Hatyai

morning church service
full-E performance at church for youth, expected 70-80 pax
freshy concert in evening, 8-10pm, expected 3000-5000 pax
- please pray for students to come!
- please pray for God to touch their hearts and cause them to question their faiths.
- we are not allowed to share gospel AT ALL - not even message
- please pray that they will come for part 2/follow-up concert

thank you dinner by PSU student union (for freshy concert)
follow up/part 2 concert at girls' staff house, expected???

lunchtime full-E a Yo-War High School
farewell dinner by thai ccc at beach

please pray for alvin, eeleen and daniel. daniel is sharing his testimony for freshy concert.

thank you!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hello from thailand!!!

yay! finally got to an internet cafe tonite! =) hee hee... i miss the familiar keys of my darling laptop tiara...

well, i can't seem to log into my email to update supporters, so hope you all read this! =b

it's been a busy busy 4 days here in Songkhla. we've had 1 full-E concert, 1 mini-concert, and several small scale promo concerts. it's been an amazing experience, seeing myself and the team grow through the trials and difficulties and uncomfortable conditions that we sometimes find ourselves in.

personally, i felt so unprepared at the start of this trip, because of all the hectic rush of preparation before it, especially the few days leading up to it. *pant pant* i really came onboard the plane feeling like "oh man, what am i getting myself into?!?!"

felt so loserly, so tired, so drained, so fearful of what lies ahead.

for those of you who dunno, i'm assistant team leader and advancer for this trip. i really thank God for sara and sam who are here with me (sam - team leader, sara - staff mentor). they have been great pillars of encouragement and support!

anyway i really dun like advancing all that much, cos it involves so many details... yet i see how important it is and how God is using me in and despite my weaknesses. really thank Him for seeing us through the past 4 days...

i was really feeling so dry at times, like God is so far away. i think it's a phase i'm going through, and i just have to keep reminding myself that faith is not a feeling, and to simply look out for signs of His love in the beautiful nature around me!

btw i have some beautiful pics of our first concert, and will upload when i get back!!! =)

k concert updates:

so far one full-E
- new ground in a new campus!
15 PRCs
22 Interested to know more

other biggies coming up:
friday night 7pm - full-E @ Thaksin University Songkhla
sunday night 6pm - full-E @ Prince of Sogkhla University - 4800 freshmen!!!!!!
tuesday afternoon - full-E @ Yo-War High School

oh man!!! WOW!

so please pray hard... =)

elaine, would u be a dear and update our cell group? =)

my love to all...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

i'm off!

tomorrow morning my team leaves for thailand! please pray for safety
and health of all of us, and for a fruitful time spent there. i feel so
excited and apprehensive - all at the same time!

will update this when i get back in 12 days! take care everyone =)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

so funny =)

hee... this really brightened up my rather stressful day. Thank You God for sending this cheer my way! =)

go see! go see! =D

and btw, it's not that the team is being difficult. i think God is just showing me a lot of my own flaws and weaknesses and bringing many obstacles across my path to help me depend on Him more...

* * *

dear God, please help me to be less impatient with people around me, and to take the time to love and understand them the way you understand me. amen.

mad rush!!!

rush rush rush... *pant pant* everything is so busy!!!


thank God for yesterday's showcase. it went pretty well! the students have really improved so much, and really gave their best. i'm really proud of them =)

maybe i'll have time to upload some pics over the next few years. =b

oops, i meant days! haha, what an apt typo =b

ok i got to go for tour job briefing now... rush rush rush...

... *bleah*