this is getting to be a weekly thing =b
yeah it's really unusual for me to only have one blog per week for the past month or so! haha... just goes to show how little free time i have these days...
TURT has been really exciting and busy for me. every morning, we start the day with prayer and praise, and then the student have communication training sessions, while i hole up at my desk upstairs and work on the songs for that day, listening to them over and over again to get the parts out for each instrument. i think i'm getting the hang of it a bit more now... more able to distinguish an eguit from a key board, and distortion from overdrive... thank God! *phew*
anyways... afternoons are rehearsal times. that's been zapping quite a bit of my energy, but also gives me a tremendous sense of joy and satisfaction as i see the pieces coming together, see each musicians getting into his or her role, embracing and dealing with challenges and finally getting the song 'right'. =) so proud of them!!!!! =D
yesterday was my bday too. thanks for all the well wishes from friends! i felt really loved and cared for.
in the morning i had my 5th driving lesson =) i learnt to do directional change parking!!! hee... it was kinda exciting at first, to manouvere (how to spell>??) my car in the parking lot, but after about 10 times of drive out drive in, i was getting bored. tee hee... looking forward to reverse parking next week!
after my lesson, i went to westmall, and hung out at BK with God. heh. yeah, basically had a nice undisturbed quiet time there, me and my chicken sticks and beloved Bible.
i read 1 Corinthians 9. was reminded that i am in a race. that i need to be focused on my ultimate aim amidst all the many things in my life. like i'm on the track, and it's a specially designed track that God has for me. to bring me to my limits, where i will need to cling on to Him, and to bring me to places which only i will fully appreciate. and ultimately, the race is for His glory, and ends with the words "well done" - that's the way i want it to end!
"therefore i do not run like a man running aimlessly; i do not fight like a man beating the air. No, i beat my body and make it my slave so that after i have preached to others, i myself will not be disqualified for the prize." - 1 Cor 9:26-27
after my quiet time, i walked around the mall, looking for something to 'treat' myself too =D hee hee... in the end, i got a pair of birkie-lookalikes that i've been eyeing for about 3 weeks (after my driving lessons lah) that has pretty pink daisies all over it, and a green tie dye wrap skirt! =D haha... was pleased as punch over my purchases.
made my way to office for an afternoon of rehearsals after that. the staff and students were so sweet... they had TWO cakes for me - one a chocolicious concoction from breadtalk, and one a homemade pink cream-cheese covered heart shaped butter cake (sara made it)!!!
yummy. there goes any effort to slim down... haha =b
the students wrote a card for me too =) very pretty one, and i was touched by some of what they said. thank you God for allowing me to be blessing to them, and for the blessing and encouragement they have been to me too!!
then to top the afternoon off, rehearsal went great!!! i mean, we managed to run through almost ALL the songs, which i hadn't thought we'd manage =b (oh me of little faith) and we worked to solve a 'problem' in one of the songs together too! i really thank God for continuing to bind us together in love and unity, and yet also for the personal issues he has surfaced in my our hearts as we grapple with thoughts during practice times...
at night, it was women's and men's retreat night. the girls went to cafe 211 at holland v. really yummy stuff! i had linguine scampi and citron presse... mmmm... there was also a hilarious side-splitting time of sharing over the dinner. then we proceeded on to sharon's house nearby for chocolate chip ice cream, old jamaican chocolate and more heart-to-heart sharing. it was really cool to see each woman opening up and sharing her struggles, her wrestling with God, her needs. i think we really got to see the more 'real' side of each person. a very precious time indeed...
ok now i have got to go get ready for lunch. my family and mel and my gran are going to RICETABLE at cuppage!!! =D hee hee... jialat. i think this weekend i prob gain 1 kg liao =b oh man... haha...
looking forward to the week ahead! =)
yongling i remember ur birthday k =) hee...