Tuesday, January 31, 2006

is it possible to gain weight in 2 days?!!?

oh man. i had a rude shock when i weighed myself at mel's place just now. i'm still hoping the machine screwed up. sigh... according to those lethal red figures, i have gained 1kg in 2 days!?! unbelievable right?!?!

i hope it's wrong... sigh

maybe tomorrow i'll jog in the evening. hmmm... must exercise off the fats. urgh. i realllllly hope the machine is salah. arghhhh.

anyway i had a good day at home. did some work, tidied my bookshelf, watched tv, read books and old magazines... and at night went to mel's place to visit his family (yesterday was his grandpa's place). we had very yummy 933 golden pillow chicken curry for dinner =D soooo yum *slurp*

watched the medallion on channel 5 there, which was kinda dumb. only cool part was all the leg work and action. heh.

ok i shall attempt 20 crunches before i go off to la la land =) hee hee...

i can't believe it's february ALREADY!!! =(

Sunday, January 29, 2006

He walks with me always =)

today i spent most of the afternoon visiting. first my dad's mum, then my mum's mum, then mel's grandpa's place. before dinner, also had the chance to catch memoirs of a geisha with mel. =) i loved looking at the footage of olden japan, and the kimonos, and the cherry blossoms falling...

zhang ziyi is really quite beautiful. i thought the acting was pretty good too, except michelle yeoh needs to lose her accent. mmm.. and i'm really glad it had a happy ending. watching the show gave me an introductory glimpse into the life of a geisha. i've never read the book, so i had no pre-conceptions, but it was v interesting to see what the work of a geisha entails, and how there are politics in the midst of that too.

anyways i enjoyed the movie =)

it was good to meet mel's family too. a bit overwhelming in a way, but thank God for blessing the time, and for being with me through the evening =)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

new beginnings

i like events like new year and chinese new year and christmas. always spurs me on to want to start different aspects of my life on a clean slate. heh. this year's new year and christmas were busy, so not much time to be 'spurred', heh, but this cny, i've had a bit more time =) so let me announce the changes that have or will be made (by end of today)

1. my desk is visible! =) my work desk, that is.

it was hidden under a mountainload of papers and cds and other stuff for months... *oops* but now it's quite clean and organised into box files, clear folders and a giant clear storage box! =) all it took was $8 worth of storage equipment and about 3 hours of ruthless sorting, throwing and stacking. HAHAHAHA!!! i feel accomplished! =D

2. the FR office looks different too!

we had a massive move of furniture that took up most of yesterday. it involved carting out a desk and two cupboards to be thrashed, setting up (ie nailing the legs to the top) two tables for haiks and alvin (our new stinter!), moving our fridge, photocopier, drinks dispenser and main computer to various parts of the room, vacuuming the carpet and clearing all common area surfaces of random stuff.


the funnest part was after we had finished all that cleaning (btw the guys did most of the moving work. thanks guys! i'm sure it's good for their muscles...) we found out that we can't just leave furniture downstairs to be collected by the van, cos it's a private estate. instead we had to hack the furniture into smaller chunks and bring them down to a hdb flat in holland v. so it was FUN hacking the furniture. all of us had a go at it!

just took the hammer and whack!!!ed. daniel tried to punch a hole in the cupboard with his fist and got a bleeding cut. hee... but he did make a small hole =)

it was so like "renovate my family"! haha...

3. my room WILL BE CLEAN.

from 11am today, i intend to spring clean my room. why 11? cos at 10 is "she spies", which i kind of like to watch, heh heh. but i will get down to cleaning my room.

i need to:

- sort out my wardrobe - stuff i need to iron, stuff i need to alter, stuff i need to wear more
- throw our the trash - like my desk used to be, i have piles of paper/cds in certain corners of the room. need to deal with that...
- wipe my shelves so they will be dust-free!
- wipe my soft toys for same reason
- change my bed sheets
- mop the floor


Thursday, January 26, 2006

drumming is such fun!

it's been about one month since i started properly practising drums. yup, i've really fallen in love with the instrument! although i'm still very raw and beginner level, it gives me a 'high' whenever i successfully play a beat or get the fill in just the right place! =D hee...

i've been practising with some basic exercises that pat, haiks and daniel, my drum gurus, taught me. also, been trying to play along with ken hirai's album. track number 4 is for practising a fast groove. track number 5 is for practising a slow groove. track number 8 is for practising high hat stuff, like techno a bit.

so far, my weakest point is my left leg coordination with everything else. i seem to be pretty good at coordinating my hands and my right leg. oh man, but once the left leg comes in, eg. lifting the high hat, everything goes off. sigh...

so that's what i've been practising this past week. trying to inculcate left foot things into the groove. even if i can't lift my foot on every beat yet, as a lot of good musicians are able to, i'm trying to lift it at certain beats to add to the groove and to keep time. there's SOME progress so far...

=) yay!!!

on a last but very important note... today, it's ELEVEN MONTHS since mel and i got attached! =) hee... i'm a sucker for such sentimental moments lah. *

Monday, January 23, 2006

an unexpected visitor

out of the blue, i got a call from debs! =) so instead of going to holland v for a long night of window shopping, ice creams and provence cinnamon swirl bun, i spent an hour there looking at dresses for future big events (sigh but none on the horizon so cannot buy now...) and came back to gc to meet her for dinner!

it was great to see her again. we hardly ever meet, cos we're both pretty busy. but now she's moved to just down the road!!! =D so i guess there'll be opportunity for lots more dinners and bake fests! =)


today, we had our first TURT audition! i can't believe the prep is starting again!

please pray for me, as i handle the roles that i'll be given tomorrow. as of now, all i know is that i'm band leader, and most probably handling the handbook design. the rest... tomorrow we'll have to see... =b eeps!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

my nose is peeling... =(

lesson learnt: don't stay out in the sun very long, especially when all you're doing is basking in its harmful rays in the nice deceptively-safe cool water.

my folliculitis is lots better - thank God - but still there.

my nose is peeling.

my cheeks are red.

oh man, but the memory of that nice afternoon will stay with me for a long time, so maybe it's all worth it. =) heh

tomorrow it's back to gctc. sigh... i love home.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

a blessed retreat

we ended our ForeRunner retreat today. it has been an incredible 5 days, with some really powerful devotions, deep and heartfelt sharing, and good fun!

some key lessons that i came away with:

1. God makes us competent to handle the task(s) He has for us

2. Sometimes we are available {Here am I Lord!!!), but God wants to use someone else. like King David who wanted to build a temple for God, but God told him that his son, Solomon, would be given that honourable task. and sometimes, like mary, we aren't outrightly saying "Here am I!" but God chooses us to accomplish His will, and like mary, we should obey faithfully.

3. To every leader, there is Status, Stature (Credibility) and Substance. the most important of all, and the least addressed, is substance. and God wants to work on that area of my life.

during this time, dan, our STINTer, contracted shingles. i was really terrified for a while. i really HATE getting sick, especially when it is physically visible (i'm vain lah), and i was afraid i would catch chicken pox (shingles is a form of chicke pox), since i hadn't had it before.

but i was REALLY so impressed by dan, and how he self regulated himself, purposely not coming too close to me and the kids, and really being a good sport about it. (it's only contagious by personal contact, not by air.) i appreciate you dan!!! =)

anyways, during that time i also got a rash. so i got scared that maybe it's chicken pox or sth, and this evening i went to the doctor to check. turns out i have something called "folliculitis". it's inflamed and clogged skin pores, that happens when you are exposed to intense sun rays for a period of time. no, it's not just sun burn, it's something more.

so anyway, i'm EXTREMELY thankful that it's not sth more serious, and it's treatable with regular use of a cream. =D

something else that ended off the retreat was a time of revealing the org chart for the year ahead. i'm very excited about my new roles in publishing, pr & marketing. especially publishing, which entails graphic design for marketing purposes. =D so cool... i'll be working a lot with joy, my mentor and friend, which is great too!

on monday, it's back to work =). and i'm also looking forward to ikea shopping with joy, who is looking for stuff to decorate her new place near holland v! =D

Friday, January 13, 2006

it's not supposed to be about ME

from my previous post: "As a woman, you don't need to strive or arrange, you don't need to make it happen. You only need to respond. Granted - Cinderella's response took immense courage, courage that came only out of a deep desire to find the life her heart knew it was meant for."

i feel confused. i don't feel courageous at all...

i KNOW that God has a plan for my life. and He has given me some passions and desires that really drive me in the choices i make. there is beauty to unveil, adventures to seek, relationships to enjoy...

and yet, why do i keep getting bogged down by ruts in the path? i feel like, as soon as i feel "Yes, this is what God has created me for. this is what He has been showing me over the past few weeks/months/years", then i hit a rut and get thrown off track.

and then after a while, God picks me up, helps me back onto the track, and gives me a vision of the exciting destination ahead.

until the next rut.

take today for example. the day started out great! i was all excited about the plans we would make.

and then... things for confusing. perspectives were different. priorities too. i felt like i wanted to 'stand up' for my passions. and yet maybe it's wrong. so it was like a tug of war in my heart, dunno what to say, what to feel.

frustrated that i let myself get dragged down. one depressing thought untackled fuels more to come. sigh...

i feel like a spoilt brat, wanting my opinion to be heard, for my excitement to be felt. but i've learnt that excitement isn't as contagious as i'd thought =b or as important, when you look at the practical side of things.

i really want things to happen! i really want to pursue those passions!


i'm not operating alone, and i've got to learn to deal with that. cheerfully.

and yet, i feel reminded that "Jesus entrusted himself to God, regardless of the response (of the people). God asks us to be vulnerable. He invites us to share and give in our weaknesses. He wants us to offer the beauty that He has given us even when we are keenly aware that it is not all that we wish it were. He wants us to trust Him."

even though i may only a glimmer of a hope that my dreams will become reality, even though i may feel so inadequate to make it happen, or even doubt whether it is what God wants to happen, God wants me to hold on to that desire, and to trust Him to somehow channel that passion into other things for Him, or to eventually bring the dream to fruition.

so, i'm somewhat comforted by that knowledge that this is another opportunity for me to learn to really trust God, that He is King of all the manpower and resources on the face of the earth, and that if He wants something to happen, He will make it happen. =)

just like Love A Kepala.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

An invitation

i finished the book =) (Captivating by Stasi and John Eldredge)

may these excerpts bless you:

the story of CInderella turns upon an invitation. Up until the moment that the courier from the Palace arrives at her door, Cinderella's life seems set in stone. She will always be a washerwoman, a cellar girl. Her enemies will forever have the upper hand. She will live a life of enduring disappointments, though she will suffer them nobly. No other life seems possible. This is her fate. Then, word from the Prince arrives - an invitation to the Ball. Her longings are awakened. Her enemies become enraged. And her life is never the same again.

How gracious that i comes by invitation. As a woman, you don't need to strive or arrange, you don't need to make it happen. You only need to respond. Granted - Cinderella's response took immense courage, courage that came only out of a deep desire to find the life her heart knew it was meant for.

God's invitations ultimately matters of the heart. They come through our passions, those desires set deep within us. As God restores your heart and sets you free, you will recover long-lost passions, long-forsaken dreams. You'll find yourself drawn to some vision for making the world a better place. They are invitations to bring your heart to your Lover and ask him to clarify, to deepen, to speak to you about how and when and with whom.

Do not give way to fear. (1 peter 3:6)

Jesus entrusted himself to God, regardless of the response (of the people).

God asks us to be vulnerable. He invites us to share and give in our weaknesses. He wants us to offer the beauty that He has given us even when we are keenly aware that it is not all that we wish it were. He wants us to trust Him.

In Anna and the King, the King throws a feast for the British, and involves Anna heavily in the preparation. When the feast is over and it comes time for the first dance, the king stands and extens his hand to Anna. He invites her to dance with him. He fixes his gaze upon her and is distracted by nothing and no one else. He waits for her response.

She is clearly surprised, taken aback, but has the grace to respond and stand. As they walk past the long table, the king's eyes never stray from her's. Others are upset that he has chosen her. Some watch with contempt, others with pleasure. It is of no consequence to the king or to Anna.

Anna is beautiful in a striking gown. She spent hours getting herself ready. She came to the ball prepared. As they reach the dance floor, however, Anna expresses her fear of dancing with the king before the eyes of others. "We wouldn't want to end up in a heap," she says.

His answer to her questioning heart? "I am King. I will lead."

Jesus is extending his hand to you. He is inviting you to dance with him. He asks. "May I have this dance.. every day of your life?" His gaze is fixed on you. He is captivated by your beauty. He is smiling. He cares nothing of the opinion of others. He is standing. He will lead. He waits for your response.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

baby ryan's 1st birthday

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happy family =)

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many little kiddies all in a row...

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biker chicks and hot dude

Monday, January 09, 2006

words that inspire

taken from the book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge:

True feminity calls forth true masculinity.

The essence of a woman is beauty. Beauty flows from a heart at rest... a heart that trusts in God, a heart that has been quieted by his love and filled with his peace. Not a heart that is striving and restless.

The essence of a man is strength. To experience the strength of a man is to have him speak on our behalf.

A man's deepest question is "Do I have what it takes?" Failure says "No". And that is why many men avoid any situation where they might fail. They fear exposure. They fear it will be discovered that they are not a man.

A woman's question is "Am I lovely?" To be rejected is to hear a resounding "No". A woman doesn't want to offer her beauty unless she is guaranteed that it will be well received. But life offers no such guarantees. We, too, must take risks.

But somewhere along the way, man take women as their validation, and vice versa. But our core validation has to come from God. And until it does, until we look to him for the healing of our souls, our relationships can be really hurt by this looking-to-each-other for something only God can give.

But if our man is the verdict on us as a woman, we won't be able to truly and freely offer him our beauty. We'll hold it back in fear. Or we'll give ourselves to him in inappriopriate ways, desperate for his attention. And we won't be able to confront him and stand up to him when he needs that from us as well.

Similarly, be aware of the issues in him that could cause him to look to you for his validation or become paralysed.

* * *

so my thoughts on all this?

i learnt that i have, often consciously, sometimes unconsciously, 'used' the men in my life to validate my beauty. like asking "am i fat?" and only longing for the answer to be no, that i am beautiful, and yet still having that lack of self confidence, so that even when they say what i hope to hear, i dare no believe.

i don't think i'm the only girl who thinks like this huh =b

poor guys are at a dead end - no right answer hor.

so i'm gonna try not ask this question so much, and learn to turn to God whenever such thoughts of self-doubt, low self esteem, fear of people's opinions etc plague me. that's lesson number 1.

lesson number 2? i see how beautifully God has weaved together man and woman into His plan. it really is only when a woman is comfortable with herself that a man can truly be empowered to be all that he can be. like the first statement said - true feminity calls forth true masculinity. a real man will WANT to be all that a man is called to be when he encounters a real woman.

i think that picture that the book paints is just so anazing and touching and... like WOW God, You thought of all this???


lesson 3, which i'm still processing, is that it's perfectly right for a woman to 'seduce' her man. in a pure sense. i think, in the media, the words seduce comes with all sorts of connotations, bringing to mind the adulteress or the young prostitutes you see all over the soap operas.

but what i'm seeing is that the Bible does speak of women, godly women, who 'seduce' their men. Not for sex, not for 'fun', but really, just inciting the man's interest. i'm seeing that there's a different between dominating the relationship (which i have been convinced in wrong since reading "Passion and Purity") and inviting a man. The former goes against the way God planned the world to go - for men to be the initiative pursuer, and women the pursued. But the latter is something that is special. Because feminity can awaken masculine strength in a way nothing else can.

so many of us, me included, have seen purity as 'completely ignore the man you are interested in until he proposes to you.' I know i subscribed to that thought at one point in my life! but as the book puts it so bluntly: Why, then, would he propose to you?

How true.

So, a balance is needed. I pray that I will find it, and be the true 'feminist' that I was created to be. =)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

thank God I'm a girl!

ok, technically i'm a 'woman', given my age and all =)

i had a great time today! it's my first time teaching in senior sunday school. i'll be co-teaching with yk and cor, and we're overseeing our flock of some 15 jc1 and 2 girls.

i know some of them from when i led youth choir in the past. but i haven't talked to them in so long, that it was good to catch up with a few over lunch! =) i really really feel so blessed by that short hour or so. God allowed us to catch up, to share, to ask questions, to answer them. I thank Him for all that he's brought me through in my JC years, because suddenly i realized how valuable those experiences and feelings were, because it means now i can relate to them so much better, and understand some of what they are feeling and going through.

JC was truly a special time for me =) the best years of my academic experience in fact!

but anyway, it was so encouraging to see how God has grown them in the past 2 years since choir stopped. and how they have matured into such delightful and unique young ladies with their individual personalities and quirks! =) i pray that in the year to come, i will get to know the group better, be a blessing to them, and be blessed by their lives as well!

anyway, pray for me, as i prepare for a workshop on "Fear" that i will lead at the end of january. i'm excited and apprehensive about this challenge, as i've never prepared a class from scratch before! so i will need God to show me what He wants me to share, and how i can make the session applicable, personal and real to the girls, and to myself.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

the first letter of the year!

please read my newsletter for january, and as we all gear ourselves up for the year ahead, let's keep on pausing to 'Stop, Look and Listen' to see what God is showing us and to enjoy the experiences He brings our way. =)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

oh man... cute baby alert!!!

first day at school =)

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

a new year has begun

happy new year!!!

some key things that i hope will happen this year:

1. i will turn a quarter of a century old.

2. i WILL get my driving license.

3. i will finish reading the Bible (something i started in 2003. sigh) =b

4. i will cherish the time i spend with God, my family, mel and friends.

5. every time i feel unhappy with myself or with situations, i will try to remember to turn to God first.