too many things i wanna blog about, hence the title of this post. heh. it's getting harder to keep a steady blog, cos life seems to be always busy nowadays... sigh. both good and bad, i guess. i'm a person who thrives on change, in the sense that i like having lots to do. i even kind of 'like' the stress that comes with it - like an adrenalin rush or something... heh. anyways...
1. the life and ministry of paul
we've been covering the ministry of paul in our training sessions for this week. it's been a really enjoyable time, seeing Paul personally for the first time. by 'personally', i mean seeing him as a fellow brother in Christ - an imperfect but unique human being, just like the rest of us.
in sunday school days, i'd always think of Paul as one of those big spiritual giants. but this week has helped me to see his character, not only as someone to be placed on a pedestal and emulated, but also someone whose mistakes i can learn from. i've felt like finally i can understand why he writes the way he does, how he felt when he wrote the epistles, how he could be so fervent and long-suffering for the sake of the gospel.
it was also a challenge to draw the maps of his missionary journeys, but finishing them gave me such a sense of fulfillment =b and showed me how strategic Paul was in reaching the world. and how God was leading him each step of the way.
God also reminded me of what a personal God He is. Paul wanted very much to visit Asia on his second journey, but was directed by the Holy Spirit to go elsewhere. and he obeyed. yet God knew and remembered his heart, and the very first person that he shared with and brought to Christ in the place where he was sent, was an Asian! (Lydia)
this reminds me of how God 'prevented' me from going to Japan 3x over the past 5 years, and how frustrated i felt at the time. yet, looking back now, i feel so thankful that He led me to where I am now, with the experiences i have. and come next month, He is also giving me the incredible opportunity to go back to Japan!
2. mission trip to Japan
totally out of the blue, joy seng (fellow trainee) handed me a fllyer. "Tokyo in Joy"n is part of the Macedonian Project, and seeks to bring the gospel to the streets of japan, in this trip, by tracting.
it just so happens that that week i have no training.
it just so happens that that week i have no rehearsals.
it just so happens that that week i have no performances.
it just so happens that that week i am not serving Lord's Supper in church. (I served these two weeks)
>>> God has made it possible for me to go! =)
for those of you who dunno, i've been wanting to go back to Japan, ever since my first mission trip there in 2001. i remember my last day during the trip, i told God - "If you want me to come back here to be a missionary, I will. wherever You want me to go, I'll go." and i remember Psalms 16 - which became THE chapter that marks that particular trip for me.
of course, at that time, part of why i felt and said those things was a result of emotions that you tend to build up on a mission trip. and i was young, and kind of impulsive. over the years, however, i thank God that i am hopefully less impulsive, and i have found out more about myself, the person that He created me to be.
for now at least, i don't think i would be in Japan long-term. but Japan will always be a very special place to me. Her people have a very special place in my heart, more any other people group.
so it with great joy that i am going back to Japan, even though its only for a short 4 days. i'm really REALLY excited!!!
i'll be posting my newsletter up soon, so please do read it =)
3. jac and ernest are married!!!
my ex-colleague, jac, got married yesterday. =) it was a frantic weekend for me, because i was her photographer for tea ceremony (and the whole jiemei saga), did decor for reception, car and bouquet, and am photographer again tonight (the dinner). having never done a scrap of flower arrangementin my life, i almost had a nervous breakdown when we were doing it on friday night!
i really felt so so panicked! urghhh... thank God for some aunties who saved me by their flower arrangements prowess. =b heh heh...
the wedding was lovely. ernest is funny! jac was beautiful... and the reception food was amazing... =D
looking forward to tonight, even though i feel a bit nervous abt having to take the pix again. hee... i'm quite scared of 'intruding on the moment' or blocking people's view... that kinda thing, so it's a bit hard to be a gung ho photographer... hee...
will try to upload some pix another time. =)